Brewing Moonshine At Home

Those who brew their own Moonshine get to taste a piece of American History with every sip. The spirit drink has a rich and turbulent history. Today, Moonshine is still brewed using traditional methods that people used hundreds of years ago. While it may seem daunting at first, anyone can brew their own Moonshine. All it takes is a bit of knowledge and a great still to get started.

Moonshine is a spirit that is traditionally made from corn. It can be modified to alter the flavor. However, most brewers enjoy the spirit in its natural form. Home brewing began in the 1770s, during the American Revolution. To pay for war debts, federal taxes were imposed onto liquors and spirits. To bypass these taxes, people began to make their own spirits with corn. Farmers used Copper Moonshine Stills to brew the spirit with their crops. During the infamous Prohibition Er, Moonshine brewing was a lucrative activity. It was secretly sold and consumed in speakeasies across the nation. Those who knew how to brew the drink had such a high demand that they were often incapable of keeping up with the orders.

Today, brewers can easily create the spirit with hand crafted stills. Stills, available at, are crafted in the same manner as the stills used hundreds of years ago. They are handcrafted with the finest copper to produce the best taste. Appearance wise, the stills are reminiscent of old American pieces. The thick copper is polished and sturdy. The stills are a beautiful statement piece that will help brewers to reap the benefits of home brewing. Brewers even have a number of different options to best suit their needs. At, brewers can get a number of different sizes. Brewers can choose to make small amounts, as low as 1.25 gallons, or share their brew with friends using a large 14 gallon still.

Brewers can even choose to make their own still. There are a number of different plans available with easy instructions. While they won't be as beautiful as a handcrafted copper still, they will still create delicious brews. They can often be made with a number of accessible materials. In fact, they can easily be made for under $100 dollars in most cases. Brewers can recreate the feeling of old world brewing by creating their personalized still for next to nothing.

The history and taste of Moonshine has made it highly sought after, even today. Drinkers can often tell the difference between manufactured brews and home made batches. The time and dedication that goes into home brewing is evident in the final product. With a simple visit to anyone can begin the process of home brewing and taste a piece of American history.